Saturday, February 03, 2007



Michigan is Michigan again!
Woke up to 4 degrees actual temp. with a windchill of -20 degrees. The pond is frozen, and my face hurts from just going out to get the mail.
We wanted snow and cold for Christmas. Did we get it ....NO! Finally in January we get our first snow, oh how pretty. Then it just started getting colder and colder.
The Ground Hog did not see his shadow yesterday so we are going to get an early spring. Yea right! The stupid Ground Hog was too cold to open his eyes to see a shadow.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to think that we were only going to have winter for a total of two months this year. Well, let's be realistic, it is Michigan after all. We will probably have a White Easter. Imagine it, Easter on Ice with the Easter Bunny himself on ice skates, or better yet just borrow Santa's sleigh to deliver Easter Eggs with Bing singing "I'm dreaming of a white Easter" in the background.
I just want to have NORMAL seasons again.

Oh Mama. There is no such thing as a normal season...we've had white Halloweens (don't you remember the fitting of the costumes over snow pants?) and green Christmases FOREVER. Gotta love that your skin rejects even 3 minutes out in the harsh temps though. At least you don't have 7 feet of snow like Oswego NY!
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