Saturday, February 17, 2007
It'$ Tax $ea$on! Oh Boy
$$$$This is the holiday season for accountants$$$$$$$$
The hunt for that elusive tax break ,that no one ever really qualifies for, is the prize of the tax season.
* Your accountant sends you a list of what information is needed.
* You dig through all your papers and fill in all the little boxes.
* You take it all to the accountant.
* A week later the accountant calls for you to come in and sign forms.
* You write out a check to the accountant.
* You take your very neatly filled out forms ,add your check that you owe the government, and mail them.
That's right you pay someone to tell you how much MORE additional money you owe the government.
You must get your payment to the government on or before the due date, however, should the rare occasion happen where the government owes you....HA. Don't hold your breathe. You may or may not see your money within the 3 to 6 month range.
Can you demand that your money be in your hands by a certain date?
I think not.
Can you demand a penalty if you have to wait for you money?
Are you allowed to charge interest for the amount of time past the date you should have your money?
Dream On!
Even though I have an undergraduate degree, and two masters degrees I have a very common terror of tax forms. I know I could probably fill them out and do ok, but what about that little known fact I am sure only the government and accountants know, that if I don't have it on my forms will bring on an audit. What if I don't put a deduction in the right place and have to pay a penality. What if I forget to put in an interest payment? I do not want the IRS to remember my taxes in any way or form.
Oh and don't forget the EASY instructions that come with your tax forms! But lets not go there, that's a whole blog in it's self.
What a world, what a world! I hate Tax Time! However as long as there are people like me with a healthy fear of the IRS there will always be happy accountants during Tax $ea$on.
The hunt for that elusive tax break ,that no one ever really qualifies for, is the prize of the tax season.
* Your accountant sends you a list of what information is needed.
* You dig through all your papers and fill in all the little boxes.
* You take it all to the accountant.
* A week later the accountant calls for you to come in and sign forms.
* You write out a check to the accountant.
* You take your very neatly filled out forms ,add your check that you owe the government, and mail them.
That's right you pay someone to tell you how much MORE additional money you owe the government.
You must get your payment to the government on or before the due date, however, should the rare occasion happen where the government owes you....HA. Don't hold your breathe. You may or may not see your money within the 3 to 6 month range.
Can you demand that your money be in your hands by a certain date?
I think not.
Can you demand a penalty if you have to wait for you money?
Are you allowed to charge interest for the amount of time past the date you should have your money?
Dream On!
Even though I have an undergraduate degree, and two masters degrees I have a very common terror of tax forms. I know I could probably fill them out and do ok, but what about that little known fact I am sure only the government and accountants know, that if I don't have it on my forms will bring on an audit. What if I don't put a deduction in the right place and have to pay a penality. What if I forget to put in an interest payment? I do not want the IRS to remember my taxes in any way or form.
Oh and don't forget the EASY instructions that come with your tax forms! But lets not go there, that's a whole blog in it's self.
What a world, what a world! I hate Tax Time! However as long as there are people like me with a healthy fear of the IRS there will always be happy accountants during Tax $ea$on.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Michigan is Michigan again!
Woke up to 4 degrees actual temp. with a windchill of -20 degrees. The pond is frozen, and my face hurts from just going out to get the mail.
We wanted snow and cold for Christmas. Did we get it ....NO! Finally in January we get our first snow, oh how pretty. Then it just started getting colder and colder.
The Ground Hog did not see his shadow yesterday so we are going to get an early spring. Yea right! The stupid Ground Hog was too cold to open his eyes to see a shadow.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to think that we were only going to have winter for a total of two months this year. Well, let's be realistic, it is Michigan after all. We will probably have a White Easter. Imagine it, Easter on Ice with the Easter Bunny himself on ice skates, or better yet just borrow Santa's sleigh to deliver Easter Eggs with Bing singing "I'm dreaming of a white Easter" in the background.
I just want to have NORMAL seasons again.
Woke up to 4 degrees actual temp. with a windchill of -20 degrees. The pond is frozen, and my face hurts from just going out to get the mail.
We wanted snow and cold for Christmas. Did we get it ....NO! Finally in January we get our first snow, oh how pretty. Then it just started getting colder and colder.
The Ground Hog did not see his shadow yesterday so we are going to get an early spring. Yea right! The stupid Ground Hog was too cold to open his eyes to see a shadow.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to think that we were only going to have winter for a total of two months this year. Well, let's be realistic, it is Michigan after all. We will probably have a White Easter. Imagine it, Easter on Ice with the Easter Bunny himself on ice skates, or better yet just borrow Santa's sleigh to deliver Easter Eggs with Bing singing "I'm dreaming of a white Easter" in the background.
I just want to have NORMAL seasons again.